Kettlebrook West Bend

Gospel Listening, Luke 2:40-47



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What is your experience with other people asking questions and listening? How would you rate yourself in this area? 2. Who is the best listener you know? What is it like when you are with them? 3. Who is the worst listener you know? What is it like when you are with them? 4. What barriers keep you from asking good questions and being a good listener? 5. Read Proverbs 20:5. In what ways might you grow in becoming a person of understanding? How is Jesus the ultimate example of Proverbs 20:5? 6. Pick one of the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and skim it looking for where Jesus is asking questions. What did you discover? 7. What is one way you can take time, listen and ask questions this week? How might this better equip you in gospel fluency?