Kettlebrook West Bend

Free from Sin, Romans 6:14-23



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When you hear the term “slavery”, what comes to mind? 2. Paul uses the phrase “slaves of sin” a number of times in today’s passage. Why do you think he uses this imagery? 3. Is there anything in your life that you feel like you are currently a slave to? 4. Can you think of a recent situation where sin has led to more sin? What was that like? 5. Read Romans 6:14-23. Paul compares two masters and two wages. What are they and how do they compare? 6. Which “master” do you find yourself most often offering yourself to? 7. How is Jesus as master good news? What are the “wages” Paul describes in that scenario? Why does Paul not use the word “wage” in this case? 8. Have you truly offered yourself to God? If not, what is holding you back?