Hearts & Minds

Season 2 episode 3



This episode sees the Savvy & Benaiah  link up (well virtually) with special guest; Sneaker guru, Host of the All city show at Soho radio & recently food reviewer Kish One. They discuss: Technological leaps, Alan sugar & his gangstaness, What is a secret squirrel? Film making, Child names, Neo & Chingy, Savvy fried chicken & COVID sauce, Kishs's day to day during COVID-19, social distancing fury,  Sneaker shopping & selling is problematic right now, Trying to plan for the future,  Setting up to dj from home,  Technology & Autonomy,  TV really is in trouble & big radio is falling behind,  Kish's new NIKE ID designs, The Air Max sneaker making retreat thing,  Liverpool,  Laces Out,  Liverpool Music festival,  Bobbitos book -  "where did you get those", first pair of memorable sneakers, Sneaker Co-signs from your elders, the effects of covid are getting very close to home, RIP to Back the Ripper, Everyones in the same boat, &