How It Stacks

How It Stacks #21: Gargoyles



Artwork by bearkirby ( Man, THIS is the one that we have been waiting for at How It Stacks headquarters.This is a hysterical and epic trip back down memory lane as the "Terrific 3" (trademark pending, j/k). Professor Willis brings his knowledge cap on this one and JD is all over the place ( that's the norm right?? ). Bulldog keeps us inline and Big Boss ( CJ not Naked Snake ) shows up to help us Stack this huge topic! Jokes are made experiences are shared and The Batman comparisons fly as JD takes on everyone to prove his point!  You don't want to miss this one!! Direct Link to audio file: HIS - Episode 21 - GargoylesSpecial thanks to Anamanaguchi and Frank Turner for our music and to The Geek I/O Podcast Network for hosting our show!Geek I/O is currently t