How It Stacks

How It Stacks #25: The Death of Superman & Batman: Knightfall



We're right back at it again and going for the jugular of 90's comics!! On this most glorious episode we're stacking none other than The Death of Superman and Batman: Knightfall! Possibly two of the biggest things to happen to the comic industry at the time. It's a crazy episode filled with what you have come to expect from JD, Willis, and Bulldog. JD brings the jokes early and points out that the JLA must have been on vacation when "Death of Superman" happened. Professor Willis hosts a quick Superman/Batman:Knightfall trivia game that only "true" Sup fans will succeed at (no, seriously its a ridiculous trivia game). Do two of the biggest story arcs of 90's stack?? The only way to find out (besides spending 3 months of your time reading Knightfall. It's like 600+ pages!!!) is to check out this hysterical episode of How It Stacks!!