How It Stacks

How It Stacks #37: Tron (1982) and Terminator (1984)



In honor of Pensacon, The Terrific Three are stacking what are arguably two of the corner stones for 80's pop culture and one film that sparked an entire franchise! Tron and Terminator. Both films have left there mark on history and both have had sequels and shows... But do the films that started those things Stack? JD gets to Nerdgasm on this episode as he talks about Terminator (he only does the Arnold voice once) and how Michael Biehn got him into acting. The Professor slaps JD back to reality with why Terminator can't work do to the "Connor Paradox". Bulldog and Willis do their best to keep JD in line for that one. Tron thoughts are shared as The Professor shares what he remembers about watching Tron in the early years. Bulldog lets the guys know that even with is extensive computer knowledge Tron is sill a little out there... To summarize... The Professor and Bulldog verbally duke it out with JD on this one as they "discuss" what could and couldn't happen. Don't miss this one!