How It Stacks

How It Stacks #43: Hook and Jumanji



The Hook brings you How it Stacks. This time it’s all about pirates and giant mosquitoes because JD, Professor Willis, and Bulldog are bringing out the epic 90's epics Hook and Jumanji. Can a single show handle that much epic? Apparently it can. Will the swashbuckling three emerge on the other side unscathed? Not a chance. A tear will be shed for the late great Robin Williams. JD will confess his love for Tinkerbell. Willis was into Kirsten Dunst before she was kissing Spider-man upside down in the rain. Budlong covets Dustin Hoffman’s sweet mustache. What about that time JD got drunk with Rufio while Willis crowd surfed with a monkey? End of the line, sonny Jim! Ru-fi-ooooooooooooooo!