How It Stacks

#51 Dungeons and Dragons (Corrected Link)



Grab your D20 and get ready for a hysterical adventure only the HIS crew could deliver…Dungeons and Dragons gets the How it Stacks treatment as the terrible 3 take on this most storied of games. Let's be honest, you've looked at their logo and thought… I wonder when they’ll do it. No? Okay well um, it's still a funny/entertaining episode! JD shares his thoughts on why people don't play it and explains its role to him now. The professor lets us know he will beat that ass if you get in his RPG way. Bulldog breaks down what the game compares too and why he didn't play it as a kid. The guys get a little philosophical on this one but it's only for a bit. They also debut Paw Paws Medicine Cabinet (the professors band) during the break. In a game where…“Is kobold sex considered yiffing””Using a gelatinous cube as lube”“I hope you get violated by