How It Stacks

#58 Donkey Kong Country (SNES)



It’s time to jump out of that barrel we’ve been hiding in; your favorite trio is stacking another Shigeru Miyamoto classic: Donkey Kong Country!JD is up against Willis and Bulldog in a battle of wits when arguing about DK’s size. Willis starts us off with a mouth-full of language while playing the game live, and Bulldog has a theory about the missing Kong in the lineage from the arcade Kong and Donkey Kong (who is supposedly Arcade Kong’s grandson). Join us as hilarity ensues!Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 58 “Donkey Kong Country (SNES)”If you'd like to see us live, join us at SouthSounds for their live podcast event on April 9th, from 2-6pm (we'll on stage at 3pm for about 35 minutes). We have the pleasure of sharing the stage with Uncle Henry, Sock Cop, Crusader of Cool and more! Free tickets (for the Podcast Live Event) are available at Ev