Zannelli Talks

005 - Tools & Environment



This was recorded at 12:30am in the backseat of my car aka the Zannelli Talks studio. Some thoughts and observations about tools we use (or misuse) in our everyday lives. I touch a bit on how the environment we are in will influence and shape our success. This one is real, raw and a one-take freestyle. Just a conversation from me to you.  I briefly mention my work with this organization doing amazing things in LA called RedEyeInc. Check them out on IG @redeyeinc  I wasn't paid to say that, they just really doing some dope shit.  Ok, hope you guys enjoy this one!  Thank you all who listen, support and fw my project. If it helps you, share with a friend please! feedback is appreciated, leave a review if you can :)  youtube - andres zannelli  instagram - @andreszannelli  twitter - @andreszannelli