Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

China Back To Work Sort Of/Count Your Blessings & Help Cargo Human Care



In USA and elsewhere in the world now feeling the sting of the deadly COVID-19 virus that some poor unfortunate and most probably innocent people in Wuhan, Hubei Province China unleashed on the world, there is growing apprehension that what is unknown about the pandemic continues to out- pace any true understanding of the virus. Amidst latest reports that possibly a virus lab located just three miles from that wet market where the Chinese Communist Party claims the COVID-19 Pandemic originated from bats,  may have unleashed the virus is just too horrible to imagine but the story appeared this week in The Washington Times. As the world experiences one thing “Made in China” that we all could have done without, COVID-19 has caused pain, suffering and death everywhere. But now in USA where spread of the coronavirus is reportedly worse than anywhere else, the land of plenty is indeed just that as the government is sending the equivalent of USD$3400 to every family of four in the biggest cash giveaway in histo