Empowered By Iron

Flexibility is Key - Episode 122



With life being shifted and a bit crazy right now, we have to learn how to be flexible in our approach to training and nutrition. You might not have access to gym equipment and the food in your pantry might prompt some odd meals right now, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop working towards your goals. It just means you need to be flexible in your approach.   Sign up for the All Access Membership & join us for weekly seminars on topics from self-improvement to breaking through negativity to nutrition/training: https://femalestrengthacademy.com/product/strength-in-chaos-virtual-seminars-all-access-membership/   Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron Join our women’s only Facebook Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/femalestrengthacademy Check out our nutrition coaching: Fiercely Fueled Nutrition Coaching - Online nutrition coaching for strength and functional fitness athletes. Coached by our own Dr. Kristin Lander, DC, CISSN. Intuitive Athlete Nutritio