Connected With Mika Bradford Podcast

#25 - 7 Minute Reality Check with Mika - "Haven't Seen It Yet"



In this episode of CONNECTED with Mika we’re discussing:   Looking beyond your current circumstances, knowing everything changes and that relief is just beyond the horizon of another day and that maybe you just "Haven't Seen It Yet"!  These times of uncertainty are difficult for even the most optimistic of people. It's times like these that holding on to hope and believing you'll make it through these circumstances often requires deliberate thinking, a choice in what and who we will focus on. We all need motivation and encouragement, the question is where do we go when we feel empty, how do we pull our selves up when no one is there to cheer you on or speak words of affirmation and encouragement over you? For me, it's deliberately immersing my mind, heart, and soul into music that gives, life and hope. We all love a good ending to a dramatic movie that has us sitting on the edge of our seats and for me, the victory is hearing an anthem of overcoming, surviving and moving beyond adversity. No matter where you