Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

How To Worry Well



Wellness Tip - How to Worry Well Worrying well might seem almost impossible. especially if you are a Type A personality such as myself.  My advice on the subject is to turn your worry into something more productive so it doesn't wreck your well being.  If you have many worried thoughts in your head, get them out of there!  Write down your main worry and all (positive or negative) thoughts about it on a piece of paper.  Then split the paper down the middle.  On the left side, write a few things you can control about the worry.  On the right side, write what you can't control about it.  Do this separately for each main worry you have. Once you have your worry in writing, focus on what you can do today and come up with a plan to take some baby action steps!  This may sound simple, but it's really important that you take immediate positive actions to feel more in control of a situation!  If you'd like to dive a little deeper into creating a personalized action plan for yourself, you can take part in or watch the