
RUConnected #35 Winter Solstice Session



What does the Winter Solstice bring? Jenny and Lois discuss their latest conference experience and the new format that the team at IWBNet were trialling. They talk about the latest apps they have found and about their most recent successes in their schools. You can listen in the player below or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes ITL Masterclass National Conference 2011 Cohorts x4 sessions Cohort 1: The Shift to Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning - Jonathan Nalder Cohort 2: Reflecting on Teaching and Learning to Improve - Jenny Ashby Different role as a facilitator......changes of program Use of web 2.0 tools for eportfolios - twitter Cohort 3: 21st Century Teaching and Learning - Bruce Fuda Cohort 4: What is Peak Performance in Terms of Curriculum and Pedagogy - Peter Kent Cohort 5: ITL with Digital Technology: the dynamic classroom/a vision of best practice - Jodie Riek Cohort 7: Lessons from Leonardo: dealing with little da Vincis - Chris Betcher Mind Mapping by Jason Zagami - Educational Theora Keynote by