One Movie Punch

Episode 742 - The Great Hack (2019)



Hi everyone! For those of you outside the United States, or perhaps living under a rock within the United States, we’re currently going through a presidential primary campaign. It’s been a bumpy ride so far, with a lot of noise and very little substance. But it has also been driven, at least in part, by the lesson of the previous election cycle, which involved the use of Big Data to collect information on US voters. Up to 5,000 data points per voter. You all know how biased I am when it comes to US politics, so that’s why we’ve brought in Shane Hyde today to review THE GREAT HACK, as part of his Horror Stories series. Because some horror stories are real. For a few other reviews from Shane, check out THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL (Episode #728), WOUNDS (Episode #694), and RUST CREEK (Episode #654) Before the review, we’ll have a quick promo from our good friend Kolby Told Me, one of our biggest supporters of the podcast last year, as demonstrated by his near domination of the Follow Friday boards. You can find him o