Barbies Bubble

Holy Cotton Candy and Broccoli! WHERE ARE MY CLIENTS???



Hey Barbies and Ken's! Welcome Back to the Bubble! Let's Pop-In Today's episode we are talking about All things Updates, Obsessions (Avocado! Avocado! and More Avocado!!!) and What do when you don't have any clients! Special shout out to my Beautiful Barbie Sarah for submitting a Quick Question about what to do when you don't have any clients?!? Tune in to hear my top 3 ways to get through this critical time in any entrepreneurs journey. Spoiler Alert!!!! (Top 3 below) 1. Define and Re-define your Business Intake Process-How are you saying Hello to each potential Client? 2. BONUS SPRINKLES- Where can encourage product/service Up-Selling to add on additional services. 3. Probing Process for Referrals- What questions are you asking to get in front of your next client? Finally Barbies and Ken's Don't forget to Document, Document, and Document Again! Make sure you take Pictures and Videos while you are doing all of this Beautiful Buzz for your Booming Business to Be!