Pluckin Strings With Ted And Alice Miller

Meet James Dean



We're happy to have the opportunity to share this conversation with all of you. We had the pleasure of meeting James Dean this last year at an open mic here in Yankton. It was the first time we'd heard him play and it was NOT what we expected. James uses looping to create an amazing vibrational soundscape that takes the listener on a musical journey. It starts out with a single instrument and with the use of musical loops being superimposed on one another, taken in and out, and improvised and composed upon with rhythm and melodies, it builds into a complete symphony of sound. It's like painting with notes. In James' own words, " The growth of a musical composition in this form denies instant gratification and rather invites the listener on a gradual journey to fruition. As a tiny seed grows and blossoms into maturity. We couldn't have said it any better!  Take a listen and learn about how buying a guitar at a Flea Market became the catalyst for bringing forth this amazing gift to all of us! Thanks again