Horse Wise

How a television crew, a slightly feral horse and a cold morning reminded me to take my own advice.



In this episode, I tell a recent story about taking my own advice from the podcast. In Episode 28, I shared some ways you can improve your horsemanship and riding during forced periods away from the barn (due to weather, work commitments, injury, etc). Due to family illness, I haven’t been able to ride or work with the horses consistently. I followed many of the strategies that I described in Episode 28, to make good use of the my limited time with the horses. As luck would have it, I was then contacted by a television series that wanted to do an episode about my work with the horses and horsemanship in general. It sounded like a fun opportunity!  They wanted to film a session of me working with a horse as the sun rose behind us. Which meant being “on set” well before dawn — on a extra cold, dark morning preceded by days of wet weather. The horse I planned to use (who had been in more consistent work) had become feral due to the cold and was running around his pasture happily. His pasture buddy (Coz