Searching For Clair Huxtable

S3E4 - When She Approaches Him



Many women in dating still subscribe to the 'traditional way' and wait on men to approach them. From hosting Searching for Clair Huxtable, Maceo & WAE have long encouraged that by approaching men women have the advantage of setting the pace and tone in dating. Ebony joins the show and talks about how she approaches men. Maceo & WAE ask her to 'do tell,' Maceo and Ebony actually role play (get ya' head out the gutter) the approach. Fun episode. PS Ebony is a guest through our sister podcast Tiddies and Tacos, thanks Sparkle! Episode Notes Searching for Clair Huxtable is a Podcast that is about dating Black women from a Black man’s perspective with Maceo & Wae. Listen in for topics like marriage, dating with kids, sex toys, and of course side chicks. Subscribe, Like, & Share on Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Sticher to the Searching for Clair Huxtable podcast and don’t miss listening