Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

Estonia's Elvy Kalep & India's Mathangi Krishnan / Suzy Wardle Virgin Cargo Tops JFK Expo Thursday



     We write about women in air cargo, about female aviators, and because we acknowledge women as consummate multi-taskers, we must remember to ask: what else can you do? What else do you do?       Invariably, women in every industry perform several and various functions in order not to go ‘hysterical,’ a term loved dearly by detractors of feminists like Betty Friedan as it improperly classified and deflected from that general feeling of malaise suffered by so many women who were not put to good use beyond the home. Here we meet  Elvy Kalep, the first female in Estonia to receive a pilot’s license, in 1931. Elvy, a friend of Amelia Earhart's and member of the 99s ,the pioneering female air pilots organization , never stopped working to interest young women in aviation even creating a most charming book titled "Air Babies".   A pioneering “Women In Air Cargo’, Mathangi Krishnan , could easily pass off as my aunt next door.  Measured in her conve