Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

Ma He 's Making Eyes At The World/ Cargo Plight of Jet Non- Flight



  As previous reported in Flying Talkers, Amazon’s emergence as a major player in air cargo and logistics has been rapid.  But Amazon is not the only ‘e-tailer’ with an ambitious plan to integrate online and offline commerce by building huge logistics networks. Alibaba is also most definitely causing a stir. Jack Ma, the co-founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group, increasingly has the global name recognition and ‘influencer’ status that comes to very few.  A Flight To Nowhere S/H “When we highlight the disappointing irony of this situation to the lenders, we are simply told that this problem is to be addressed by the shareholders, who should and could have agreed on a resolution plan a long time ago.” That was Vinay Dube, CEO of the now grounded Jet Airways, lamenting the lack of commitment on the part of Jet’s stakeholders to pay salaries to the employees.  Banks and financial institutions who are owed more than $1.15 bn have, till the time of filing this report, refused