Flyingtypers Cargo Talks!

Tariff Tosses Curve Ball At Air Cargo 2019/People & CNS Partnership/Ghost of Slammin' Sam Snead



  Shippers planning for the summer peak season received a curve ball from President Trump earlier this month.  With only a few Presidential tweets of warning, the U.S.-China trade talks that optimists hoped would bring an end to confrontation and protectionism instead yielded an escalation as the U.S. raised tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200bn worth of Chinese imports. At Cargo Network Services (CNS) Partnership in Miami last week, we spoke to Sterling Transportation founder Keith Davis who developed an original idea into a quarter century success story, connecting Los Angeles to Miami with big trucks carrying cargo. Later we spoke to an old friend named Warren Jones, who delivered to an air cargo conference something rarely seen—a shipper! Irish Ken Ryan told us that cargo flown into Rockford, Illinois for UPS and Amazon and others, most often reaches destinations in Chicago faster than the same shipments that land at O'Hare International Airport. Finally from our "Reporter's Notebook," we take a tri