Max Talks Ai

Things You Must Know Today About Our Future - Lasse Rouhiainen



In this episode, Lasse and I discuss the future of school education, skills needed in the age of automation, and how artificial intelligence transforms the way we think about privacy. Lasse Rouhiainen is a best-selling author and international expert on artificial intelligence, disruptive technologies and digital marketing.He has also provided training to thousands of students and businesses through online e-learning courses. Lasse has been a speaker at renowned seminars such as Mobile World Capital and TEDx, and has worked with top brands and institutions such as Michelin, Össur and the European Union Intellectual Property Office. He is also a supporter of the Human Centered AI initiative. Lasse has written several books that have been published on Amazon in both English and Spanish. His latest work on artificial intelligence, called Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future, which is currently being translated into several other languages, was selected by Book Authority as one