Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula

Dr. Rachel Aronson DPT, PT: Why We Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy



Hi all - I am so excited for today's podcast with Dr. Rachel Aronson, DPT, PT and owner of Core Elements Physical Therapy. Rachel is a pelvic floor physical therapist and works with people at all stages of life. I went to see her after having my baby to help with postpartum support and recovery, and I was so impressed by her deep knowledge and care about the subject. I had so many questions, I needed to get her on the podcast!! I believe that pelvic floor physical therapy is a must for all women postpartum, and I wanted to spread the word on how beneficial it is. In this episode, Rachel shares about her postpartum journey, how she healed her body, and what she now provides for women (and men!) to help them reconnect to their pelvic floors. She also shares how to know if you need to see a pelvic floor physical therapist, and how to find one. This is an incredibly informative conversation, and I recommend it for anyone that has experienced issues with incontinence, low back pain, tailbone pain, has had a baby,