Ross, Al And Luke

Ross Al and Luke Ep75 - Have we finally got our new intro? ...At this point, I think you should be the judge!



We've now spent the last 3 hours exploring ideas for our new intro, then finally this... Al shares a very raw personal experience. Then goes deep and philosophical. If you can relate, I'm sorry to hear that but I truly, deeply, hope his very real, open and honest share helps you in some way.  Much later in the episode we circle back to discuss it again and explore the impact it has had on his life. We're reminded that everything we believe is completely made up... even this statement (and it's belief) is completely made up. If this sounds confusing or you'd simply like to learn more of this concept and how it plays out in our lives - This episode is a must!  Ross explains the whole idea really well with a current-day, real-life example.