Eye Of Rah Shell

MEDITATION SERIES 03: Healthy Relationships



Hey loves, here is an affirmation meditation for developing healthy thinking habits about your relationship. I start off by reading a few notes I wrote to remind us of the purpose of relationships. God puts everyone in our lives for a purpose and in our love relationships is where we grow the most. The more we honor and appreciate our partner the more blessings come to both in the relationship. Don't let your love get dry! It doesn't have to be excessive, and it doesn't take much work. Be kind. Be polite. Be patient. Pray for eachother. When you catch yourself thinking negatively, stop yourself and tell yourself that you cancel and delete those thoughts and start reminding yourself of their good qualities. The more you practice these affirmations the more positively you will think about your relationship and the more you can act in ways that reflect that thinking, then it will reflect in your reality. Remember, sometimes it's better to be happy than to be right.