Eye Of Rah Shell

EP 06: Mental Health - Self Care Tip



Hey loves. I missed a few weeks of recording due to sickness but ya girl is back. May is mental health month and I wanna bring attention to mental health on my podcast because its TOO often overlooked and disregarded as "crazy". At this point, every human is "crazy", we all deal with different mental health issues, some more severe than others but it is so important that you check in with yourself constantly so you don't give your "crazy" enough room to take over. Please do not neglect your mental health. Ask yourself daily how you're feeling, and where those feelings are coming from, find at least one person to confide in whom you can share even the things you are not proud of. There is always someone out there who cares about you. Don't underestimate the power of simply talking to loved ones. IG: @rashelldotcom email: shellsegarra@gmail.com