Product Hunt Radio

The future of beauty with Sharmadean Reid



On this episode Abadesi talks to Sharmadean Reid, founder of Beautystack. She’s one of Aba’s favorite people of all time, and is an inspiration to women and people of color everywhere. She recently raised a whopping seed round to grow and scale Beautystack.In this episode they talk about...How she’s helping women start businesses“People always say that the information is out there, but sometimes you don’t know what to Google.”Sharma talks about the importance of networks of women who can help and support each other in their founder journeys. She explains what it was like for her when she was just getting started, and how she was helped by others who were further along than she was. She has been giving back through a couple of different initiatives and talks about the self-sustaining community they have created.“The proudest thing for me is the tens of thousands of connections between women that we’ve created.”What fashion means to her“My personal style to me is the reason I like fashion. Fashion and beauty is