Tony Talks

From Serving in the Peace core to being Bed ridden for 23 hours per day - Divya Cassity



Divya Cassity is a Health and Nutrition Major, works in health authority and worked for the Peace core overseas. I meet Divya Cassity at Date with Destiny 2018 and again in August 2019 at Business Mastery. Divya was ailed by a condition which kept her in bed for up to 23 hours per day for months. She tried every health option from Western to Eastern medicine to find a cure. In that time she learn tools and strategies to cope with such challenging times and is beginning her journey into entrepreneurship by starting a business that helps others in this area. If you are bed ridden and are experiencing this please contact Divya at +1-404-416-3966 and she is happy to help provide solutions for other who might be experiencing the same challenges.