Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Hygiene & Immune



Special Mini-Training on Healthy Hygiene & Immune Boosters... It's difficult to avoid getting sick during cold and flu season, but if you practice a few healthy hygiene habits and boost your immune system, you have a better chance of shortening the duration of whatever you do catch!  At the time I am writing this, our nation is in the middle of a Novel (new) Coronavirus outbreak and the CDC has recommended several actions for everyone to take to keep from getting it and hopefully slowing the spread of it.  In this Video Post, I go over the action steps the CDC and NIH are telling us to take along with a few of my own suggestions for you to try. I also give you several immune boosting vitamins, minerals and herbs I feel are crucial for overall health and wellness even if there is no apparent viral or bacterial threat to the population.  I am a big proponent of taking supplements from a reputable source on a daily basis to off-set the lack of nutrients currently found in the American diet due to poor eating hab