Tai Chi Chinese

14: ☁️



云手 Yún Shǒu: Cloud hands, wave hands like clouds | 云端 Yún Duān: Place high in the clouds | 云端运算 Yún Duān Yùn Suàn: Cloud computing | 云计算 Yún Jì Suàn: Cloud computing | 云储存 Yún Chǔ Cún: Cloud storage 云彩 Yún Cǎi: A mass or shred of cloud | 云朵 Yún Duǒ: A mass or shred of cloud | 云雾 Yún Wù: Clouds and mist | 云烟 Yún Yān: Clouds and mist | 云层 Yún Céng: Cloud layer | 云上 Yún Shàng: Above the clouds | 云海 Yún Hǎi: Sea of clouds | 云集 Yún Jí: Come together, converge | 云梯 Yún Tī: Extension ladder, firefighting ladder 行云流水 Xíng Yún Liú Shuǐ: Free flowing, smooth like clouds and water | Send feedback: https://bit.ly/taichichinese |