
The Beauty of Sex When Done Right I



   Sex is both an act and an orientation; some have gotten their orientation right and misplaced the act while some have both inappropriate orientation and act; and while some still do possess a healthy orientation and got the act if sex right. Just like anything that God has ask us to do or expects of us as men; there is a “how to do it” and the blessings attached to following the how to the details. Sex as an act is not excluded to from this innumerable list.  This discussion is not centred on the different methods/acts employed in satisfying our sexuality irrespective of our sexual orientation: but ways through which sex can be deployed in accordance with the tenets of kingdom principles. This is such a large area of discuss and we can’t truly exhaust the whole of it in one night, however, I’ll be as brief as possible so we can at least hold to one or two points tonight.