Inside New Mexico With Steve Pearce

1. What's going on in New Mexico: Late term abortion, gun control, recreational marijuana and much more



In today's show Steve Pearce and Harvey discuss what's going on in New Mexico!  - How the NM Governor and the legislature are trying to shift our state from New Mexico centric to national centric pushing the national Democratic agenda.  - How late term abortion discussion is shifting in American and New Mexico!  - How the New Mexican legislature is adding more gun control and restrictions in New Mexico and how the public, our police force are reacting to this shift?  - How 15 out of 33 County Sheriffs have turned their counties into Sanctuary Gun Zone! - What no one talks about when it comes to legalizing recreational marijuana and what hard working New Mexican families must consider.  Share YOUR thoughts of legalizing recreational marijuana and how you believe it will affect our state of New Mexico considering how nearly 1 out of every 2  citizens are on some form of government assistant?  Leave us a comment here on Facebook: