Tales Of Corwin

Chapter Eighteen: Imbolc (Part One)



Mark and Sandra had so many other things on their minds that they were both surprised when they discovered a pressing commitment on the calendar: the Wiccan festival of Imbolc was only a few days away, and before that, they had a class to prepare. Their Wheel of the Year class for Imbolc had already been scheduled and advertised for the last day of January. For several days their kitchen table at home became their joint workspace, as they spent their free hours planning the class—together if their schedules permitted, separately if necessary. The weather cooperated, for once, and the evening of the class was clear and calm (though bitterly cold). They had a good turn-out at the church. They lit candles in the Fellowship Hall, and Sandra opened by talking about the ritual use of candles in her tradition: how they generally began rituals with a lighting of candles and closed them by extinguishing the flames. (“Christians do just the same,” she had said to Mark while they were planning. “They’ll see the connect