The Chris Hennessy Podcast

Kaptiwa 2.0 Review



Kaptiwa 2.0 Review: Full Review: What is Kaptiwa?  Welcome to this Kaptiwa 2.0 Review. For those of you out there involved with (or looking to get involved with) video marketing and want 10,20,100X your rate of retention on your videos/landing pages, Kaptiwa 2.0 is definitely for you. In this Kaptiwa 2.0 Review, we take a deep dive into what this amazing platform can do that some of the larger platforms simply cannot complete with, including vimeo, YouTube and Wistia. The truth is that with video marketing, these platforms cause video marketers to lose money because they offer too many options for the viewer. If you are reviewing a new cellphone and you've driven traffic to a video you've worked hard to create, edit, and promote, what you don't want is for someone to watch it, and then be suggested OTHER videos to watch on the same topic. This is great for YouTube, but bad for you, your retention, and your bottom line