Parenting In The Thick Of It With Louise Clarke

Dealing With A Controlling Child



This is such a common problem today and dealing with child that wants to control everything is both exhausting and frustrating. In this episode I reply to a frustrated and about to lose it mum who reached out for help. I discuss a few things you can do in order to start bringing about some positive changes. You have to first understand that you have played a part in creating the patterns of control that exist. You can't change your child but you can change the way in which you respond to them. This is key. You are the leader and the guide. There can be no fight if there are not two people willing to fight. Can you pick two things that you continually fight for control of and let go of them. For example: food, clothes, a raincoat, the chair he sits on at dinner. I know, it seems ridiculous when you read it here, but these are exactly the sorts of things we usually end up fighting over! Can you pick two things that you can ask him to start doing for himself. Can you ask him to help you