One Movie Punch

Episode 708 - Klaus (2019)



Hi everyone! Christina’s back today with a look at one of the more unlikely nominees for Best Animated Feature, 2019’s KLAUS. It’s always nice when a film gets recognition that’s not from one of the ginormous animation houses. But I ask you, is a tagline like “Welcome to the Jingle” really what you think of when you think of an Oscar film? While that might have deterred me, it did not deter Christina, who will be up in a moment with her review. Don’t miss her debut review at One Movie Punch for WEATHERING WITH YOU (Episode #687), distributed to the United States by GKIDS. She’ll be back with their most recent import, RIDE YOUR WAVE, later in the month. Before the review, we’ll have a quick promo from our good friend Kolby Told Me, one of our biggest supporters of the podcast last year, as demonstrated by his near domination of the Follow Friday boards. You can find him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @kolbytoldme. And if you take up one of his recommendations, let everyone know that Kolby Told Me! Subscri