Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[PODCAST] Announcing BYWG’s New Vitamin D3 Boost



The Supplement of the Month is BYWG's Vitamin D3 Boost. This is our newest advanced formulation;  Combining all the benefits of Vit. D3, Vit. K2, Magnesium, and MCT.  It is pretty mainstream now how important Vit. D3 is to your overall health and wellness.  What is not mainstream is the nutritional facts that Vit D3 needs a few other co-factors and Vitamins and Minerals to enhance its effectiveness.  Recognizing this we set out to formulate the gold standard for Vit. D3 supplements. Vitamin D3 Boost has the most active form of Vitamin D as well as Vit K2 and Magnesium with a little bit of MCT oil to enhance the absorption of these fat soluble vitamins.  This is truly a world class Vit D3 formulation. The 10% off discount code for the month is vitd10. (yes it is case sensitive) .fusion-button.button-13 {border-radius:25px;}Order Vitamin D3 Boost .fusion-image-frame-bottomshadow.image-frame-shadow-22{display:inline-block}.element-bottomshadow.imageframe-22:before, .element-bottomshadow.i