Grumpy Old Gamers

the empire of real time game discovery



We discuss the classic Empire of the Petal Throne. Our verdict? It is dense. Too much information dumping, dense text, archaic writing, and use of a language created by Barker. There is no easy way to get into the game and we both could not make it through the who thing. That does not mean we think this game is bad or not important. It just means for us, it did not grab or click with us.While talking about EotPT, jim mentions the game Hypertellurians. Here is a game we both love. In real-time Richard discovers the game for his first time, and they both cannot talking about what they see.Finally, they talk about game design. The topic centers around how much do you need in a always if you have comments or want to subscribe at your provider of choice here, you go.thegrumpyoldgamers@gmail.comtwitterapple itunesgoogle playspotifystitcherradio publicAlso if you like what we do, we will not say no to your money.