Tony Talks

How to Transition after Losing a Loved One - Dianna Jerrybandhan



Our First Female Guest and many more to come, I meet Dianna in 2015 Date with Destiny at Boca Raton. It was a moment I will not forget as we had just completed Day 1 and in our Team meeting she had shared about how her father was murdered recently and how she was handling it so calmly and collectedly. I had been going through life challenges at the time as well however I realized very quickly that my problem was small in comparison and I knew very early on that I would be learning a lot from this group of individuals I have surrounded myself with. Dianna is an ordained minister who respects all faiths and was ordained in India with the ability to heal others. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Sociology. She is licensed to practice real estate in California and Florida and holds a national designation for working with seniors. She is also a licensed massage therapist and a licensed public school teacher in California. Her Mission of helping others though a grieving time losin