
Murmur - Episode #19 - 3D Movies, Internet Blues, TV Memories



March 9, 2010 - Ali, Jim, and Paul adjust their 3D glasses and weigh in on Hollywood's latest attempt to lure you to the multiplex. Are the studios mining new depths in high-tech storytelling, or is it all just one epic migraine after another? Later, Jim sings the Internet Blues. It's time to own up or shut up when it comes to online anonymity. Finally, we showcase a pair of community articles about 90s TV nostalgia, then ride the show right off the rails with memories of our own latch-key childhoods. 00:01:08 - 3D Movies 00:17:21 - Jim has the Internet Blues 00:27:10 - We're getting to know you with Kelly's Talk Amongst Ourselves: Who Are You? article. 00:32:50 - Community Showcase: Back to the Well(sville) and Finding Myself in 90s Kids' TV