Workin 4 A Livin

2020-02-04 – State Of The Union – Response



February 04, 2020: Labor Perspective Response To: The Trump State of The Union and Democratic Rebuttal. Please join Co-Host Jeff Brown, and Moderator Leroy McKnight, tonight at11:00pm est, and by podcast any time thereafter; where these “Progressives For Change Offer Opinions That Matter”. Workin 4 A Livin is about the meaning of work for men and women from all backgrounds - in the union and non-union jobs - who are working for a living every day at their job. For them to get the latest union news, to discuss and learn about the meaning of work within labor unions. We invite you to find us, our podcasts are on I-Tunes, Stitcher, Player. FM and Blog Talk Radio; and can be found on the top right of our website “workin4alivin .com”. Member – Michigan Association of Broadcasters Season 5 Episode 03 Our email address: Follow Us On Twitter: @4_workin