Octopus Radio By Sian

Octopus Radio 305 | Konrad



Octopus Radio 305 with Konrad Octopus Podcast Episode 305 Featuring a Guest Mix by Konrad. Konrad - Lunar Eclipse Alex Lentini - Ejection The Prophecy - 1988 Sian - Reverse Aitor Ronda - Quit Procuo I Am Bam - Persistence George Isaev - Switching Lanes Introversion - When Anger Rises Konrad - Development Lukas Freudenberger - Down Dema - Push It (Steam Shape Remix) Konrad - Possible Resonances - Invasion This show is syndicated & distributed exclusively by Syndicast. If you are a radio station interested in airing the show or would like to distribute your podcast / radio show please register here: https://syndicast.co.uk/distribution/registration