Nhai Onai & The Other Guys

Girls Dont Get It : Guys and Stupid Lies & How To be his wife in 72 Hours



Capital26Free — “Would you ever tell your lady that you once hired a prostitute?” In the first ever version of Girls Dont Get It, The guys, Nigel, Onai, Archie, Jerry and Panashe break down a commonly asked question, which is, WHY DO MEN LIE…rather stupidly? They talk about lies that men tell to get away with stuff, lies that men tell to avoid hurt and lies that they tell because girls won’t get it. They break down the week in laughs as they talk about, Tytan & Olinda, Kay-lite Bans, Marijuana legalisations, Pastors that have arrested the Devil and $300 tickets to Miss Zimbabwe and later on, they discuss the absurdity of the idea that if a girl stays over for 72 hours she is your wife.. which trickles down to, is it right for a girl to do her boyfriends laundry? Join this week of hilarity and masculine wisdom in "Girls Dont Get It"