Real Relationships With Paula

Help, We’re Getting married!



Niche Radio — Getting engaged and your wedding day should be one of the happiest moments of your life but they can very quickly be overshadowed by wedding planning stress. In this week’s podcast I share some tips and insights on how to overcome these challenges together and still keep your relationship intact. I also chat to newly-weds Damion and Sarah who are 4 months into married life on their wedding journey, married life and how they made their special day their dream day. The key thing to remember is that ultimately your special day is about the two of you, what your ideal day looks like to you and what the budget will allow. Understand that you are not going to agree on everything and it is normal to have some disagreements along the way. Don’t let this detract you from the ultimate goal in that you are doing this for the two of you because you have chosen to spend the rest of your lives together. Follow me on social media here: FaceBook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Goog