Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

Lesson 1 - Emotional Honesty & Expression Is Key in Marriage



Lesson 1 of 7 – Emotional Honesty & Expression Is Key – Overcoming Gridlock - - Before, I never use to say when I was upset or share my feelings. Mainly because I didn’t know how to share my feelings and bring up topics. During studying more about relationships I realized that successful couples in marriages, express themselves and that a solid relationship is based on emotional honesty. Working with couples, I recognized that not sharing is unhealthy as unresolved annoyances, anger, doubts, hurts, fester and leave you to build up resentment and frustration, which can lead to explosion, angry outbursts or further withdrawal and shut down. The shut down and emotional dishonesty leaves a couple grid locked unable to solve problems which can lead to separate lives and affairs. Here I explain what you can do if this is resonating with you and your partner. It’s from our lessons we can get true peace. Peace with the past, peace in the now and peace for our futures. Nicola Beer – Pure Peace – www.