Divorce Talk With Nicola Beer

Strategies to help make New Habits & Changes Stick



Did you make any New Year resolutions? Perhaps you don’t believe in them but have been wanting to make some positive changes in 2016. Either way, how are the changes going? If you have failed to do what you planned, don’t give up! Set-backs happen, just recommit to your goals and start again if you need to. Those who succeed keep going, they “get back on the horse” and try again. Another powerful method to is to install the changes at the unconscious level using Hypnosis… here I interview Anna Yates, Hypnotherapist who runs a successful practice in Dubai. Tune in to learn how it works and what hypnosis can be used for. Nicola Beer is an International Relationship Coach and Best Selling Author in 3 books. To get more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com