Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG0217_Jim Torok - Two Artists in One!



DR. LISA’S LEVY, S.P. (Self-Proclaimed) REPORT: Artist Jim Torok After seeing Jim’s new work at his show opening I knew I had to have him on because his big read painting was about his anxiety. GREAT SHOW btw, at Pierogi 155 Suffolk St. – check it out: http://www.pierogi2000.com/2016/12/jim-torok-at-pierogi-3/ Up till Feb. 12, 2017! After I tell Jim that he can’t read his 10-page self-report on the air, we settle in to uncovering why and how he can seriously pursue two distinct styles of art making. Jim grew up in South Bend, Indiana in a very normal environment and turns out he was a disrupter (euphemism). His dad was an artist but worked a normal job so Jim and his family could eat. But Jim threw that all away by becoming a serious artist. Jim made art so he didn’t get beat up by the other kids, trading drawings for protection. COUNTERTRANSFERENCE: (How I felt about this interview.) I knew I would feel comfortable with Jim because he’s relaxed in that neurotic way that I identify with. The one thing I w