Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG210 Comedian Michele Balan is a complex subject and a joy on any microphone.



I saw Michele Balan perform a comedy set recently and I was blown away. It made me wonder about what a career path for someone in my age group with comedy chops/success, like Michele, would have been like to travel on. To be a successful women in comedy clubs in 90's must have been... well I just can't imagine. Therefore, I was thrilled when she agreed to be on Dr. Lisa Gives A Shit. In doing research in preparation to have Michele on my show, I came across a podcast she had done with another goddess comedian, Judy Gold. Michele laid out a history with was so deep and complex starting with the death of her mother at age 10 and the insanity that comes with not having a point person in your life. Michele is a great storyteller and a fascinating survivor—I encourage you to listen to the account which is detailed and inspiring. What someone can do without a college degree! Here's the links to the podcast - it's 3 parts-if you just listen to the first one, you can get the idea—only 1/2 hr. long! Michele and Judy P